Monday, February 7, 2011

Healing & Hope

Blogging on a more serious note this morning.  Last Friday, we had heard that a young woman who is a customer at Eye of Nuit had been rushed to the hospital with what sounded like some serious intestinal issue.  I immediately called for an emergency healing circle that night.  It was something that I had been wanting to do, and it seemed as though the Goddess was telling me that it was very urgent to do. I knew that with such a late announcement, there would probably be very few people who could make it.  And that was ok.  

We got to the shop and prepared for the evening.  I set the altar up with a bowl of water, 12 white votive candles set in the shape of an equal armed cross, a plate with bread that was topped with sugar, and one large white candle for Spirit.  I had a small cauldron that I put the names of a few people who had requested healing, the name of my customer, and one for "All who are in need".  Because this was last minute, I had no time to get white carnations, so we found a really nice picture and projected it onto the wall in the ritual room.

About 20 minutes prior to the designated start time, my partner received a call.  His teenage daughter had been diagnosed with a serious illness.  This was devastating news.  Out of respect to him, the young girl and the family, I am opting to give no further details here.

While he was on the phone, it hit me.  THIS was the reason I was being pushed so hard to do this healing circle.  THIS is what we do.  Witches heal.  And so, I quickly added her to the cauldron.  

A few minutes before I was ready to start, a woman came in.  She had seen the notice I posted on Eye of Nuit's Witches Night Out Meetup site earlier that day about the ritual, and wanted to join in.  Hilda is a lovely older woman, and had never been to the shop before.  I silently thanked the Goddess for sending Hilda our way that night, handed her a copy of the ritual, and began.

The healing circle ritual is taken straight from the "Fridee Night Healing Service" that Silver RavenWolf used to do.  It includes several Braucherei (Pow-wow) prayers, chanted three and nine times.  Hilda and I began, chanted our hearts and lungs out, and the energy was powerful.  My partner watched from the doorway - helping us by holding a mental picture of his daughter in his mind.   

I believe in the power of raising focused energy.  I've seen it work.  And I believe that the work that was done that night will have a positive healing effect on many.  But most important to me is the healing of a young teenage girl, who will overcome this illness and go on to lead a full and wonderful life!  

Healing.  It's what we do.


  1. That is interesting....been dealing with my own miner issues but friday night I sent out a general healing. Just felt I needed to do it. I hope it helped all in need.

    Witches do heal with open hearts indeed.

  2. Kristen, no doubt in my mind it helped. There is power in numbers! :-) Healing wishes to you!

  3. Sending positive healing energy out to those in need. ♥

  4. My thoughts are with you all right now.. love you!!

  5. I have been lighting a candle nightly for the past week I think everyone is being touch by this, and this winter has been pretty mild but the turns of events lasting, agree Witches are about healing, as a good Witch friend would say you got a boo boo a Witch will have a cookie & a remedy. Maybe we should have something once a week just to put out some healing energies not only for the two legged but the healing of all including Mother Earth...

  6. Thank you so much everyone! I agree about the once a week thing and would like to do that, possibly on thursday nights at the store.

  7. Healing energy sent to all in need.


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