This past week was filled with many highs and lows. Today, I'm going to concentrate on the "high".
One afternoon, while waiting on a customer, I heard the tinkling of the bells on the door and in breezed this extraordinary man. His energy was colorful, happy and joyful. While talking to my customer, I noticed he sat down in the Big Comfy Chair by the library and was browsing through our magazine selection.
I bid adieu to the customer and this gentleman rose up from the chair, and seemingly floated across the room to me, charging the air with a rainbow of electric energy. He placed a magazine on the counter that he wished to purchase, then proceeded to introduce himself by holding up the most recent copy of Circle Magazine we had on the shelf and saying "Hi! I'm Paul Ruckert and this is my artwork on the cover!" He had a smile on his face that brightened the already well-lit room.
Paul B. Rucker is truly a visionary and deeply spiritual artist. His works are vibrant, eclectic, and imaginary. Without a doubt, his presence and personality are infused into each piece of art that he paints. His art work has been featured on the cover of such publications as Green Egg, Hecate’s Loom, Mezlim, Psychedelic Illuminations, Tapestry Journal, and Reclaiming Quarterly.
"I think of myself as part of the Tribe of Dream", he quips on his website. And when you see his pieces, I think you'll understand what he means.
The afternoon was spent chatting with Paul about a wide variety of subjects, including his ideas on marketing, and me teaching him how to incorporate simple hula moves in his spiritual expressions.
The best part of the day was the opportunity I had to purchase some of his pieces of art, to sell here at Eye of Nuit! I do hope you'll enjoy them as much as I enjoyed picking them out - and the magickal afternoon spent with the enchanting Paul B. Rucker.