Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy endings, New Beginnings

On last months episode of Snowy's Rants & Nuit's Mews-ings I told you guys about being laid off from my job of many years.  My last day at work was quiet, sweet, sad, and bittersweet.  All feelings you'd expect when we experience a loss plus the fear of the "unknown". 

Thanks to having to put full focus on getting ready for Gaia Fest, and just keeping up with the store - my sadness was shortlived.  I wasn't going to dwell on the loss, but rather, I wanted to focus on the doors that now will open.  

One thing that you learn as you grow older (which is another topic I'll get into LOL!) is that the only thing that remains the same, is change.  I can't say that "nothing lasts forever" because I have a very special "something" in my life and I plan on it lasting forever.  Yeah - that whole "til death do us part" thing.  But for real.  ;-)

Speaking of plans... it's amazing what the mind can come up with when you don't allow yourself to be taken down by sadness or fear.  Creativity thrives in a fertile mind.  A fertile mind is one that is fed with good thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams.  I already had a pretty good foundation of this, so I was good to go.  Having a life partner who sees through the same rosy glasses helps too. ;-)  

Now, you're going to ask:  "Oooh!  What's Snowy dreaming up for the store now??"  Well, since I'm a savvy business-woman (*snortgiggle*) I'm going to have to keep some things a secret.  We don't want the competition knowing everything, do we?  Nope.  So you'll just have to keep checking out what we come up with via our postings on Facebook, Eye of Nuit, and Pagan Stuff Cheap!  

Speaking of!!  Head on over to Pagan Stuff Cheap and take advantage of this month's coupon voucher!  Just use coupon code MAYSPECIAL and save an extra 5% off our Book of Shadows, Blank Journals, Tarot decks and Tarot sets!  With our already low prices, that gives you a full 15% off retail!  

Our new ScentWerx™ line is taking off!  We now have Body Butter, Lotion, Shower Gel, Shea Butter Soap and Bath Salts in many fresh & yummy flavors like Lemon Zest, Sugar Mint, Coconut Lime, Amber Woods & BeWitched!, just to name a few.  In addition, there are 100% soy jar candles and beautiful palm wax pillar candles in LOTS of other scents.  Look for these items to soon be available in their very own online store too!  All hand made and ALL at super-reasonable prices, as always because THAT is what we're all about!

In other news, my wonderful honey is getting me an embroidery machine for my birthday, aka "THE BIG 5-0 AND NOT AS IN HAWAII!"  I'm so freaking excited (about the machine, NOT the birthday LOL!!)  Embroidering is something I've wanted to get into for several years now.  Remember that whole creative mind thing I mentioned a few paragraphs back?  Yup.  That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!  

I chose the Brother LB6800 PRW Sewing-and-Embroidery Machine after researching several different brands and models.  Singer had a nice combo sewing/embroidery machine too, but since I'm a n00b at this, I decided to go with the less expensive Brother.  Plus, it has a KICK-ASS rolling storage bag which means I can take it to the store for Crafty Witches in Stitches night at Eye of Nuit!  So yeah... it advertises that gay-ass show "Project Runway", but who cares?? (and NO offense to my gay-ass friends, you know I *heart* you bunches!!) 

What else...?  I will be starting a new Wicca 101 class in about 2 weeks.  For those of you who are local and wish to sign up, please visit Eye of Nuit for details.

Gaia Fest was AMAZING!  It is a lot of hard work, and I'm not thinking we'll be doing a lot of vending overall, but I'll definitely vend at next year's Gaia Fest!  I do have to put a plug in here for Cloaks of Camelot, who was also vending at the festival and where I got my GORGEOUS cloak (ok, my wonderful HONEY got it for me).  So go check it out, and tell Colleen that Snowy from Eye of Nuit sent ya!


  1. Great news all around!! I can't wait to see what you're going to do next!!

  2. Me either LOL! You realize there will be at least THREE blog rants while I learn to use the embroidery machine...?


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